Official openings MERLN and M4I

On 8, 9 and 10 September the LINK Institutes MERLN and M4I held their official openings in the AINSI in Maastricht. 

8 September was the Scientific day where colleagues of both institutes as well as renowned key note speakers presented their scientific work. In the afternoon Steven Olde Damink demonstrated the iKnife to the public.

9 September was Valorisation day opened by the regional Minister of Economic Affairs and Knowledge Infrastructure, Twan Beurskens. The day was filled with valorisation pitches, fire-side chats, interesting dialogues and in the afternoon the launch of the 1st phase of REGMED XB.

On Saturday 10 September, we opened our doors to the public. At the UNS40 a scientific market was organised where the research of our groups was shown. There was also the possibility to visit the M4I labs of Peter Peters and Ron Heeren.

Video: Openings MERLN and M4I

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