Lies Wesseling appointed Extraordinary Professor on the Special "Opzij" Chair "Cultural Memory, Gender and Diversity"


Lies Wesseling has been appointed to the Special “Opzij” Chair “Cultural Memory, Gender and Diversity”. Her research is on the cultural framing of intercountry adoption between 1950 and 2010, and on the cultural remembrance of forced child migration in the British Commonwealth and the Dutch colonial empire. She persistently focuses on the arts, most notably on (children’s) literature, life writing, and film, as memorial practices and as repertoires for identity construction. On a meta-level, she is interested in the cross-border mobility of stories about children who were forced to cross borders.


Lies Wesseling is the director of the Centre for Gender and Diversity, the leader of the NWO-funded research programs Emergent Cultural Literacy: Assimilating Children’s Literature and PLACIM: Towards a Cultural Platform for Children’s Media.

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