UM co-organises debate on refugees in Limburg

Mediators: Kirsten Paulus and Frans Pollux
Participants: Annemarie Penn-te Strake (chair of the provincial platform for refugees and mayor of Maastricht), Simone Filippini (CEO of Cordaid), Michael Heemels (provincial parliament member for PVV) and Hein de Haas (professor of Migration Studies at UM)

How should Limburg respond to the refugee situation and how do refugees fare in Limburg? These are the key questions that will be addressed during the Limburg Refugee Debate on 25 November 2015. The debate is a joint initiative of L1, Dagblad de Limburger/Limburgs Dagblad, the Sphinx debate centre and Maastricht University.

Limburg wants to take in 2,500 refugees and provide them with small-scale accommodation. This has sparked quite a debate in the region. Like the rest of the country, and indeed Europe as a whole, Limburg residents are concerned about how this will affect their neighbourhood, their village, their city and their region. And like the rest of the world, many locals are concerned about the plight of refugees.

On 25 November, this issue will be discussed by a panel of experts and the public in a debate entitled 'Refugees in Limburg'. How unique is this influx? What are the concerns, risks and benefits of this influx in Limburg? Can the region welcome refugees without creating an uncontrollable problem? What problems can we expect? What are we afraid of? How real are these concerns? What are the problems facing refugees in Limburg? What happens to them after they are issued a residence permit? Do they find it difficult to integrate and assimilate?

The television programme Avondgasten will broadcast the full refugee debate on 25 November. You can watch the debate online ( starting at 7.30 pm. 

The debate is funded by the partners and the Province of Limburg.

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