20 Oct 28 Oct
09:00 - 15:00

MORSE Week “Conference of Conferences”

A series of events organized by the MORSE initiative, the Maastricht Observatory on Resilient, Responsible and Sustainable Society, Economy, and Enterprise, will take place during the MORSE week “Conference of Conferences” from the 20th until the 28th of October 2022. In this week MORSE will host the Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER) in Maastricht, 26-28 October 2022, with the theme: Entrepreneurship for a Responsible, Resilient and Sustainable Future and many other events!




20 October, Antwerp, Belgium

Workshop Consortium on EU-Horizon Call Managing High Impact, Low Probability Events

(invitation only, with MSI and Pantopicon).

21 October, Brussels, Belgium

Student Conference Economics of Transition and Resilience

(invitation only, with European Commission, DG ECFIN, Unit Economics of Transition and Resilience)

24 October, Maastricht, Netherlands

CEO meeting Sustainable Investment

(invitation only, Elverding Chair in collaboration with /Top1000Funds.com)

26 October, Statenzaal, Maastricht, Netherlands

Elverding Conference: The future of sustainable business, culture, and corporate regulation

(registration required, Elverding Chair)

09:00-09:45  Coffee & arrivals
09:45-10:00    Introduction

Prof dr. Rob Bauer (Professor of Finance (Maastricht University) and holder of the Elverding Chair on Sustainable Business, Culture and Corporate Regulation.

Prof. mr. Mieke Olaerts (Professor of Comparative and National Company Law (Maastricht University) and holder of the Elverding Chair on Sustainable Business, Culture and Corporate Regulation.


10:00-10:45 The climate of the future

Prof. dr. Heleen de Coninck (Professor of Socio-Technical Innovation and Climate Change (TU Eindhoven) and one of the lead authors of the 2018 IPCC Report)


10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:30 The board of the future

Moderator: Prof. Olaerts

Structure: 2x20 min presentations, 1-2 questions moderator, then audience questions

Prof. dr. Jaap Winter (Professor of International Corporate Law (University of Amsterdam), Professor of Corporate law, Governance and Behaviour (VU Amsterdam), Supervisory Board member for Randstad, ADORE (Chairman), the Erasmus University of Rotterdam (Chairman), Royal Schiphol Group and The Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam (Chairman).

Second speaker to be determined.


12:30-13:30  Lunch
13:30-14:30 Keynote “Shareholder welfare maximization”

Prof. Luigi Zingales Robert C. McCormack Distinguished Service Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance (University of Chicago) and George G. Rinder Faculty Fellow, Director of the Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State).


14:30-14:45  Break
14:45-16:15 The investor of the future

Moderator: Prof. Bauer

Structure: 2x20 min presentations, 1-2 questions moderator, then audience questions

Topics: Engagement versus divestment, dilemma’s challenges, effectiveness of engagement and divestment and related;

Dominique Dijkhuis (Executive Board Member ABP Pension Fund):

Dr. Anne Lafarre or Prof. dr. Christoph van der Elst (University of Tilburg)


16:15-16:30          Break

16:30-17:15          Closing panel “the stakeholder relations of the future”

16:1 5 - 16:30   Break  
16:30 - 17:15 Closing panel:The stakeholder relations of the future 

Moderator: Dr. Constantijn van Aartsen

Structure: Panel discussion, no presentations, stakeholder perspectives on the preceding discussion on the future of stakeholder relations

Speakers: from employee representatives, business, and civil society (to be determined) 


17:15-17:30  Closing Prof. Bauer and Prof. Olaerts


October 26-28, TS53, Maastricht, Netherlands:

IECER2022 Entrepreneurship for a Resilient, Responsible and Sustainable Future

(registration required, IECER in collaboration with MORSE, the latest program can be found here)

26 October

13:00-13:50 Plenary Opening and Keynote Aula
14:00-15:30   Break Out Sessions I  3 rooms
I.1   06 Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurial Families and Family Firms  
I.2    01 Academic Entrepreneurship  
I.3  04 Entrepreneurial Well-being and Health  


15:45-17:15   Break Out Sessions II   3 rooms
II.1  06 Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurial Families and Family Firms  
II.2  04 Entrepreneurial Well-being and Health  

08 Entrepreneurship and Resilience

27 October


27 October

9:00-10:30    Breakout Sessions III 4 rooms
III.1 07 Corporate Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurship  
III.2  03 Entrepreneurial and Alternative Finance  
III.3 09 Entrepreneurship and the Region  
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break  Ad Fundum
11:00-12:30  Breakout Sessions IV  4 rooms
IV.1 02 Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship  
IV.2 03 Entrepreneurial and Alternative Finance  
IV.3 10 Inclusive Entrepreneurship  
12:30-14:00 Lunch   Ad Fundum
14:00-15:30  Breakout Sessions V 4 rooms
V.1 05 Wine Business and Entrepreneurship  
V.2 03 Entrepreneurial and Alternative Finance  
V.3 10 Inclusive Entrepreneurship  
15:30-16:30     Coffee Break Ad Fundum


28 October

10:00-11:00 Meet the Editors Tapijn
11:00-13:00 Farewell Brunch  Tapijn
13:00-15:00 Video Art Exhibition in  Cannerberg NATO-headquarters


If you would like to attend (events in) the MORSE week “Conference of Conferences”, please register here.


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