18 May
18:30 - 20:30
Discussion workshop

Do we need a common European army?

We are BridgeEurope Maastricht, your local chapter of an international NGO run by students and young people for students and young people. There has been a lot of talk recently about the idea of a Common Security and Defence Policy in the EU. This includes proposals for a common European army.

To enable a discussion on this topic, we are organising an event in which each participant gets to represent their viewpoints in a simulation of a European Council meeting by representing different European member states.

Have your say and sign up for the evening.

This event is for everyone who wants to share their vision on the future of Europe and who wants to get to know active young Europeans. 

In brief:

The debate will focus on a proposal to set up a common European army. This includes a wide range of topics such as law, economy, international relations, military capability, moral standards.

Based on this proposal a plenary discussion will take place in which participants get to represent a state which aligns with their own viewpoints on the topic. Germany and France will be represented by individuals who are in favour of the idea of a common European army. The views of Austria and Finland will be voiced by neutral participants and those of Ireland and Poland will be represented by attendees who oppose the whole idea of a common European army.

The debate will be focused, output-oriented and constructive so that everyone benefits from sharing their views.

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