21 Apr
12:30 - 13:30

Alumni Café with Jules Derks

Jules Derks will speaking at the next Alumni Café!
Find more information here.

About Jules Derks:
Early in my medical study I have developed a special interest in molecular biology and histopathology of lung cancer. During my medical training I have worked on mutational analysis and microRNA expression profiles related to oligometastatic disease. The subject of my PhD training (2013-2017) was i) to optimize the diagnosis on biopsy specimens and ii) to optimize treatment of metastatic LCNEC. In my PhD training I have received an European Respiratory Society grant to visit the lab of dr. L. Fernandez-Questa in the IARC (Lyon, France), with whom I have established a collaboration on pulmonary neuroendocrine tumours leading to various (ongoing) co-publications. My PhD thesis entitled “Comprehensive analysis of pulmonary large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma; New insights to guide diagnosis and treatment” supervised by prof. dr. A-M. Dingemans and prof. E-J. Speel was defended cum laude (top 5%). I have been granted the award for best thesis on lung cancer of the Netherlands & Belgium (2016-2017, Vera Bonta Award). During my PhD research I have developed skills in histopathological analysis of lung cancer, evaluation of immunohistochemical biomarkers and molecular profiling (genomics).

In 2017, I have started my clinical training as a chest physician (expected graduation in 2024). Currently, I am co-supervising two PhD students working on prospective evaluation of diagnostic markers for pulmonary carcinoid and LCNEC, funded by the Dutch Cancer Society, in collaboration with professors A.M. Dingemans (ErasmusMC) and E.J. Speel (MUMC). In 2021, I have been awarded with the ENETS translational medicine fellowship, a project on multiplex immunohistochemistry currently ongoing. In the near future I aim to become both a pulmonologist with a specialization in pulmonary oncology as well as a clinical researcher with a line of research focused, amongst others, on translational research in pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors. Outside of academia, I’m a father of two (one and three years of age) and have a partner whom is finishing her residency in surgery. Despite challenging times, we have shown to be capable of combining these roles (with a smile).

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