25 Mar
13:00 - 15:15

Between the Hague and Brussels: Constitutional law, fundamental rights and the EU’s multi-layered legal order

On 25 March, Prof. dr. Aalt Willem Heringa will deliver his Farewell lecture ‘‘…In Courts We Trust…”. Prior to this lecture, a seminar entitled "Between the Hague and Brussels: Constitutional law, fundamental rights and the EU’s multi-layered legal order" will be organized honouring prof. Heringa. You are kindly invited for this seminar, which will take place at the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University. 


12.00 Lunch
13.00 Opening by Gerrit van Maanen

Panel 1: Fundamental rights in the European constitutional space (Chair: Monica Claes)

  • Janneke Gerards: Open and closed systems of equal treatment law
  • Jan-Peter Loof: The realisation of social fundamental rights in the Netherlands: Some observations on judicial review, policy-making and the prohibition of discrimination as a linking provision
  • Heleen Janssen: The future of the digital rule of law: A case for the use of a human rights impact assessment for the public sector
  • Discussion
14.00 Coffee break

Panel 2: EU constitutional law from local to global (Chair: Mariolina Eliantonio)

  • Reiner de Winter: De Afgang van het Staatsrecht
  • Marijn van der Sluis: Green constitutional law in the Netherlands and EU
  • Thu Nguyen:  The new political reach of EU economic governance after the recovery fund
  • Discussion
15.00 Closing remarks

The Farewell Lecture will start at 16.00h. in the Aula at Minderbroedersberg. No need to register for the Lecture.
If you want to follow the Farewell Lecture online via livestream, you can use the link below.

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