11 Feb

Online PhD conferral Maria Abbattista

Supervisor: Prof. dr. H. ten Cate

Co-promotores: Prof. Dr. P. M. Mannucci, University of Milan, Dr. I. Martinelli, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda – Ospedale, Maggiore Policlinico, Milan

Keywords: Venous thromboembolism, cerebral vein thrombosis, pregnancy, thrombophilia

"Venous thromboembolism in women – A focus on unusual sites, pregnancy and thrombophilia"

This thesis investigated the epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment and possible complications of venous thrombosis (VTE) in women. Due to female-specific risk factors (oral contraceptive use and pregnancy), women are more prone than men to develop venous thrombosis at unusual sites, such as the cerebral circulation. Moreover, other than an increased risk of thrombosis, being carriers of thrombophilia abnormalities could increase the risk of obstetrical complications. Some uncertainties remain on how to manage these women. This research investigated a cohort of women referred to the “Angelo Bianchi Bonomi” Hemophilia and Thrombosis Centre, Milan, for a previous venous thrombosis or for having thrombophilia abnormalities. Evidences were provided on the duration of oral contraceptive use as risk factor for venous thromboembolism, on the risk of obstetrical complications after a previous cerebral vein thrombosis, and on pregnancy-related risk of thrombosis in women with antithrombin type I deficit, a severe and rare thrombophilia abnormality.

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