26 Jan

Fireplace Talk on Common Foreign and Security Policy

This was the fifth event in the Fireplace Talks on the 30th Anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty, organised by UM Campus Brussels. It focused on one of the policy fields laid out by the Maastricht Treaty and in particular - the Common Foreign and Security Policy. Our guest speakers for the discussion are Maastricht University Prof. Sophie Vanhoonacker and Steven Everts, Senior Adviser on Strategy and Communications at European External Action Service. 

The event was moderated by the Director of UM Campus Brussels, Prof. Mariolina Eliantonio and the Associate Director, Assistant Prof. Paul Stephenson. 

Guest Speakers

Sophie Vanhoonacker

Prof. Dr. Sophie Vanhoonacker 

Sophie Vanhoonacker has a chair in Administrative Governance and is Jean Monnet professor at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University. From 2016 to September 2020, she served as the Dean of her faculty. Prior to joining Maastricht University, she was based at the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), where she was part of the unit 'European Governance and Policy Processes' (1987 - 2001).

Her research focuses on the role and influence of the administrative level in EU decision making, in particular the emerging system of an EU level system of diplomacy and its processes of institutionalisation. In her latest work, she has primarily focused on the development of the European External Action Service (EEAS).

She is co-editor of the ‘New European Union Series’ of Oxford University Press and the ‘European Administrative Governance’ book series at Palgrave Macmillan.



Steven Everts

Steven Everts 

Steven Everts is the Senior Adviser on Strategy and Communications at the European External Action Service (EEAS). He has over twenty years of experience in EU foreign policy with the focus on EU-Asia relations, Transatlantic relations, security, defence and crisis management. 

Prior to joining the EEAS, Everts was a Member of Cabinet HR/VP Catherine Ashton where he coordinated EU policy formulation regarding key Asian partners and was also responsible for the relations with the Unites States, Canada and the United Nations. 

Everts has a degree from Leiden University and the University of Oxford and taught courses on International Relations at Brasenose College, Oxford and KU Leuven.