03 May

Meet UM Campus Brussels | Webinar


Did you know that you can make use of the Maastricht University Campus Brussels venue for your education and research events? Would you like to find out more about how the UM Campus Brussels team can assist you with the organisation and implementation of your event?

Join our webinar to find out more about the facilities at UM Campus Brussels available to you and how our team can support you (with coordination,logistics and promotion).  You will have the opportunity to meet the team. The directors of the Campus will give a short presentation on the different activities of the Campus and all the possibilities offered to for the UM community to make use of. 

You will also enjoy a virtual tour of the Campus during which we will show you the available rooms and facilities at the Campus followed by a Q&A session. 

See you (virtually) on the 3rd of May!

UM Campus Brussels

Welcome to UM Campus Brussels Video

While you are waiting to join our 'Meet UM Campus Brussels' webinar, watch this introductory video to get acquainted with the Campus and its activities.