25 Oct

Inaugural lecture Prof. dr. Mark Sanders

appointed professor 'International Economics'

Title of the lecture: "Enter the prince of Denmark; Entrepreneurship for a resilient and sustainable economy"

The challenges we face in the world today all have in common that they come with great uncertainty. The best way to prepare for that future is to build resilient and sustainable economies in which people, firms and systems can adapt to shocks.

In this inaugural lecture I argue that an entrepreneurial economy fits that description. In an entrepreneurial economy we build and maintain institutions that mobilize and direct the creative and business talent in society for productive ventures. Financial, labour market and knowledge institutions then channel resources to these ventures (or fail to do so). In ‘normal’ times entrepreneurs challenge the status quo and are the agents of change that can help us make the transition to an economy that respects the boundaries of our planet.  Backing challengers also creates a more just system with equal opportunity for all. Finally, the same skills and resources that empower people, firms, and systems to challenge the old status quo are also helpful in adapting to a new one and therefore build a society that is resilient to anticipated and unanticipated shocks.

In this lecture I will build on research I have done with many colleagues in the past on building and reforming institutions that will promote a more entrepreneurial society and move us towards a more sustainable economy. High on the agenda for the near future is to link the idea of an entrepreneurial society to resilience.   

Click here for the live stream.