20 Sep
13:30 - 17:00

NWA - Catch Me If You Can: Project Results and Closing Event



Mapping EU Company Mobility & Abuse-Detection

Are you interested in white-collar crime, tax evasion or how companies move across borders in the EU and for what purpose? These problems cost both taxpayers like you and the EU about €110 billion each year!

Are you perhaps more interested in how AI and data science are used to address this problem? Have you heard of Knowledge Graphs and data integration? What about text annotation and Natural Language Processing? Do you like software engineering and development? Have you heard about technologies such as ontologies and graph analysis or network analysis? Or maybe EU corporate law tickles your fancy?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you will probably enjoy attending the closing event of our NWO-funded idea generator project: "Catch Me If You Can: Mapping EU Company Mobility & Abuse-Detection"!

Together with our partners, RiskSearch technologies and the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), our interdisciplinary team of researchers and engineers will interactively demonstrate and discuss how we constructed a Knowledge Graph, text annotation platform and graph analysis software to browse and analyse data about EU companies and their movements across borders in the EU.

We will also have lively breakout discussions with you the audience and a panel of experts on the future of technologies such as these and their potential to combat white collar crime in Europe and beyond.

All are welcome, from any field and department!

Seats are limited and registration is mandatory. Please sign up today!


nwa schedule