13 Oct
15:45 - 18:00

ITEM & HNP Online Side event

<center><center>"How to avoid the return of national borders in a future pandemic and crisis situation"</center></center>

Multilevel governance in a practical way

ITEM & HNP Side event during the European week of Regions and Cities 2021  
*This event will be held in Dutch*

During this side event the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility (ITEM) and the House of the Dutch Provinces (HNP) together with partners and stakeholders are looking for solutions and methods for (border) regions to ensure a healthy, sustainable and strong future for all European regions in the post COVID 19 situation.

After sharing specific practices and stories from inhabitants of Dutch German Flemish cross border areas, instruments and recommendations will be presented to the European Commission in cooperation with the Committee of the Regions on how cross border challenges can be addressed. How to empower regions in a new pandemic, by bringing multilevel governance into practice? The programme is divided in three parts: (1) borders during Corona, (2) impact assessment and instruments and (3) cooperation in the Benelux with sustainable and safe corridors.


Wednesday 13 October 2021 | 15.45 - 17.30 | Online via Zoom

16h00 - 16h05 Introduction by moderator Simone van Trier
16h05 - 16h10 Welcome by Arthur van Dijk, president of the House of the Dutch Provinces and Commissioner of the King of the Province of North Holland 
16h10 - 16h20 Introduction by ITEM-director Prof. dr. Anouk Bollen and HNP-head of office Rob van Eijkeren
16h20 - 17h10 Experiences during COVID pandemic with national borders in relation to cross border livability and sustainable and safe corridors
  16h20 – 16h40  Return of national borders during COVID-19, introduced by short interviews with inhabitants of different Dutch Provinces. A panel discussion with King’s Commissioner of Noord Holland Arthur van Dijk, King’s Commissioner of Overijssel Andries Heidema and general Representative of the Government of Flanders in the Netherlands, also a member of the administrative working group on border barriers, Filip d’Havé
  16h40 - 16h55 Multilevel governance in a practical way, cooperation in the Benelux. A panel discussion with deputy Secretary General of the Benelux Union Frans Weekers and member of the European Parliament, Jeroen Lenaers
  16h55 – 17h10 ITEM’s Cross-Border Impact Assessment, a proactive instrument to map and analyse different national approaches, in this event with focus on the COVID-19 dossier. A panel discussion with Pascal Boijmans, Head of Unit European cross-border cooperation, DG Regional and Urban Policy – European Commission, and Martin Unfried, senior-researcher at ITEM
17h10 - 17h15 “The role of the Committee of the Regions to break down national borders in the European Union”.
Video message from the President of the European Committee of the Regions, Apostolos Tzitzikostas 
17h15 - 17h25 “How to strengthen the cooperation between the different entities like regions, provinces and member states of the Benelux, Germany and the European Commission?”
17h25 - 17h30 Closing by moderator Simone van Trier


You can register until 8 October 2021 via this link.

We hope to welcome you as a participant in this online event.

With kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Anouk Bollen-Vandenboorn Drs. Rob van Eijkeren 
Director ITEM Head of office House of Dutch Provinces (HNP)

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