09 Jun

Online PhD conferral mrs. Isma Zulfiqar

Supervisors: prof.dr. E. Formisano, prof.dr. P. de Weerd

Co-supervisor: dr. M. Moerel

Key words: computational modelling, auditory processing, multisensory, systems biology, brain

"From neurons to behavior: Investigating auditory information processing across multiple scales"

The ability to hear and interpret the sounds around us is not only necessary for survival but also enriches our life with interpersonal communication. This thesis used computational and experimental methods to enhance our understanding of how the human brain processes sounds, and showed how the two approaches reinforce each other. Presented was a computational model of the auditory information processing in the brain and it was used to generate insight into the cortical processes that may underlie a range of experimental observations. An avenue for the model to grow was explored by studying multisensory processing, specifically the effects of visual input on auditory processing. Multisensory processing is important because our environment is full of information from different senses. This multisensory information guides our perception and behavior. A behavioral study found an influence of what we see on what we hear, but not vice versa. Then, the regions of the brain involved in the process were explored. In the future, the plan is to use these data to extend and improve the model of information processing in the auditory cortex. This can help elucidate the brain processes that underlie multisensory processing.

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