26 May
19:00 - 20:30

Countering the Virus: Discrimination and protestation in multicultural Europe

The Maastricht Migration Lecture Series will host a lecture by Dr. Ozge Biligili titled 'Countering the Virus: Discrimination and protestation in multicultural Europe' in May.

With this lecture series, the Refugee Project Maastricht, the Maastricht Young Academy (MYA), the Maastricht Center for Citizenship, Migration, and Development (MACIMIDE), UNSA Maastricht and UNU-MERIT aim to provide an objective picture on the topic of migration and offer new insights. To do so, different aspects around migration are analyzed and different perspectives are given on how states might deal with the influx of refugees in the future. In a number of lectures, experts will talk about topics such as myths and misconceptions in the area of migration, climate change, and migration, dealing with high displacement, gender and migration, citizenship, EU Asylum Law, and more. 

About the lecture

As the Coronavirus spreads, stigmatisation, prejudice and discrimination make their mark in many parts of the world. Reports on physical or verbal assault on people of Chinese/East and Southeast Asian appearance are abundant, also in many ‘multicultural societies’ in Europe. In this talk, I present the first insights from our pilot research ‘[COVID] COuntering the VIrus: Discrimination and protestation in multicultural Europe’ funded by Utrecht University’s Migration and Societal Change Focus Area.  Drawing on news and social media content analyses as well as qualitative interviews, we document the daily online and offline experiences of people of Chinese/Asian appearance connected to Corona-racism.

About the speaker

Özge Bilgili is an Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Social Science at the European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations. Her research focuses on the intersections of migrants and refugees’ integration, transnationalism and policy analysis. Özge completed her PhD at Maastricht Graduate School of Governance and United Nations University – MERIT and recently completed Thomas J. Alexander Fellowship at OECD. She is also the chair of Dutch Association of Migration Research.

Time: 19:00-20:30

Location: Zoom

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