22 Apr

HFIM - Experience day - 22 April 2020

Sorry, this Experience day is cancelled

If you want to find out more about the HFIM programme after having visited an Open Day, you can attend an Experience Day. This event will give you a general impression of the academic environment and the subject matters you will be confronted with in the curriculum. During this day you can experience, hands-on and in a practical way what it is like to study Health Food Innovation Management in Venlo.

Due to the Corona virus, this Experience day has been cancelled. 

Meet HFIM online

We currently offer virtual appointments with one of our HFIM representatives.Interested? Please send us an email: hfim-info@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Don't forget to provide us with your Skype name

You will find out more about studying the HFIM master in Venlo. You will also get the opportunity to have in-depth discussions with staff and to ask current students any questions you may have; they will do their best to give you an accurate impression of student life in Venlo.

You are a bachelor’s student in your last year of study and you are seriously interested in the HFIM programme. You have familiarised yourself with the programme and plan to start your studies in the next academic year. This is your chance to get a real feel of what it’s like to study at Campus Venlo.

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