07 Dec

9th IETL LLM Alumni Meeting

As always, the meeting will take place on the same day that Maastricht University will award the degree of Master in Law to the graduates of the International and European Tax Law Master of 2019. We would like to invite current students of the LL.M., graduates of 2019 and earlier alumni, to celebrate this graduation ceremony together in an enlarged alumni meeting. This will be a great opportunity to meet current students, old friends, colleagues and teachers. 



The (preliminary) programme is as follows:

15.00h – 15.30h Opening / coffee & cake
15.30h – 17.00h Master class by Fernando Sousa de Man. Titel of the lecture: “From BEPS Action 1 to the Unified approach: where is the OECD heading?”
17.00h – 19.00h Reception (drinks and snacks) in the Common Room
19.30h – 22.30h Dinner (tba)
22.30h – (…) Party in a local pub

The faculty sponsors the coffee and the reception. However, dinner and the party afterwards is on your own account!

Please note that this alumni meeting is not the same as the academic ceremony during which graduates receive their diploma. The graduation ceremony is a separate event for which you will be invited by the exams committee of the faculty. Our IETL Alumni Meeting is intended for students, staff and alumni of the IETL master programme.

Will you receive your IETL diploma on 7 of December but also want to join the IETL alumni meeting? Then you are welcome to bring your family members to the reception at 17.00 hours. Please indicate in the registration form the number of family members you will bring. 

We look forward to seeing you!

Questions? Please send an e-mail to: Jacqueline.Hendrix@maastrichtuniversity.nl.