08 Nov
13:00 - 17:15

‘From Talent to Job’ event (for Law students)

What are your competencies, skills, and talents that you will bring to your future work place? What comes natural to you without any effort, what gives you energy and motivation? And how do you then communicate this at a job interview? 
Come and find out at our ‘From Talent to Job’ event, designed for LLB (bachelor law) students!

What to expect?

  • A free lunch for the hungry ones :)
  • A keynote speaker who will share his insights on how to enter the labour market after your studies.  What challenges did he encounter and how did he overcome them?
  • Time to get to action.  You will be part of a professional assessment set-up with the goal to find out what your professional talents are and how you can communicate these when looking for a job.


"What do you bring to your future work place? What should you highlight in a job interview? What are you good at without even realizing it?"

Just like in a real assessment center, you will be carrying out a number of tasks together with a group of would be colleagues (fellow students) all under the watchful eye of observers from the field. The goal: To identify where your strengths and weaknesses lie and to help prepare you for assessment centers that you will also encounter on your job hunt!

Read more

Please click here to download the document with event details.

How can you join?

Make sure you register as soon as possible via the registration form. There is a limited amount of seats available for this unique event; first come, first served.  Registration closes on October 31th.

Once you have registered, you will receive an e-mail with assignments to prepare before the event.

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