17 Apr
18:30 - 21:30

Symposium Transforming Healthcare through Big Data

This event is free, open to all and will be in English.

RSVP by April 8th: bigdata.pch@mumc.nl
2 accreditation points requested

Follow live through live-stream: http://bit.do/bigdatasymposium
Organized by: Dr. Kamali Sadeghian, Prof. Dr. van der Hulst, Dr. Rakhorst, Dr. Schop

For more information or questions please contact  +31633457383.

Programme details: https://www.mumc.nl/actueel/agenda/symposium-transforming-healthcare-through-big-data

This symposium is organized as a result of the Ph.D. dissertation of P. Kamali Sadeghian. You are welcome to the public defense on April 17th at 16:00 – 17:00 Venue: Maastricht University Aula, Minderbroedersweg 4-6 Maastricht.