24 Apr 28 Apr
09:00 - 18:00

Student Forum Maastricht 2019

Student Forum Maastricht is an annual international academic conference bringing together students and professionals to discuss Europe-related topics.

Their aim is to provide a platform where interested students can exchange ideas and engage in fruitful discussions. SFM offers a successful and productive way to put issues of concern and challenges for the European Union into a more practical context.

In different workshops students can apply their knowledge and profit from the experience of professionals coming from an academic, political or economic background. The interdisciplinary approach creates the opportunity to gain insights from various fields.

The discussions in working groups are complemented by lectures held by experts from the Brussels environment.

A special approach used in the working groups is problem-based learning(PBL). This is meant to lay the focus on students’ input to ensure lively discussions. We offer five different working groups each lead by a specialized tutor. Each student can sign up for only one working group. To get more information on the various topics please visit our “topics” section.

For more information please visit their website SFM 2019.