18 Dec
13:30 - 18:30

Hanneke Steenbergen Seminar and Award Ceremony 2018


18 December 2018, Maastricht, Faculty of Law, room: B1.113



13.30 - 15.00                                       

Seminar Citizenship and Integration in the EU: Challenges ahead

René de Groot (Maastricht University), The loss of EU citizenship due to permanent residence abroad
Maarten Vink (Maastricht University), Citizenship in the Migration Life Course: Comparative Perspectives

15.00 - 15.45 Break with coffee and tea
  Award Ceremony:
15.45 - 15.55 Welcome by mr. Steenbergen

The Nominated Theses; introduction by David Kuiper (Advisor Immigration and Naturalisation Service, litigation department, Member of the Jury)

15.55 - 16.10

Short presentations of the master thesis by nominees ‘THESIS PITCH’

16.10 - 16.40 David Kuiper (moderator) will react (comment/ask questions/involve the audience) on the nominated thesis
16.40 - 17.20 Explanation of the Jury report by the chair of the jury and award ceremony
17.20 - 17.30

Closing by mr. Steenbergen

17.30 - 18.30 Drinks in the common room

The nominees are:

  • Aya Younis (Intrekking Nederlanderschap van jihadisten in het licht van het discriminatieverbod 14 EVRM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam),
  • Casey Bryan (Subsidiary protection in Germany – the Asylpaket II: international legal obligations, Universiteit Leiden),
  • Christina Espey-Sundt (Comparative analysis of detention during deportation procedures in USA & EU , Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam),
  • Sophie Zoer (Exception to non refoulement in the Refugee Convention, in cases of threats to national security, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen),
  • Ralph Groeneveld (Meaning of ‘protection in accordance with Geneva Convention’ in Procedures Directive in the light of the safe third country concept, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam),
  • Kim Sofia Steinhofel (How should question of legality of ‘open border policy’ in Germany influence decision EU legislator on sovereignty clause in Dublin IV, Universiteit van Amsterdam),
  • Marije de Boer (European readmission agreements and EU Member States’ obligation of non refoulement, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen).

The seminar, the award ceremony and the drinks are complimentary.
Please register before December 11th. via the registration link on this page. 

Hanneke Steenbergen