21 Nov
14:30 - 16:30
Cool Tech: Introduction to Quantum Computing, a pretty 'cool' innovation…

Guest Lecture ‘Introduction to quantum computing with IBM’ + drink afterwards

We are going to immerse ourselves in the strange and wonderful world of Quantum Computing. Whereas in the past quantum computing was the sole domain of physicists nowadays everyone can access this technology thanks to IBM. You don’t need to be a physics expert to use IBM’s quantum computing experience. New breakthroughs can be achieved in your field of expertise, such as healthcare solutions, autonomous cars and new financial models.

This is your chance to learn about quantum computing and after this lecture you are ready to try programming one for yourself. The IBM quantum computer can truly be called a cool innovation, as it runs at minus 2730 C.

This lecture will provide an introduction to quantum computing by IBM and E&E. E&E helps organisations to renew themselves and innovate, and specialises in starting and developing public-private partnerships between government, knowledge institutions and the business community.

The lecture will provide both insights into computing and several case scenarios of quantum computing. No technical background is required to join. You do need to register; limited spaces are available, so register now!

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