05 Oct 16 Oct

Dutch Agri Food Week 2018

During the fourth edition of the Dutch Agri Food Week The Netherlands will evolve around the future of our food. Visitors will get answers to the question: ‘what are we eating now, and what will be eating in 2050?’ The answers will be provided by: farmers, food producesr, cooks, scientists and other agrifood experts.

From earth to mouth

Dutch Agrio Food Week presents the future of our food and reinforces the positive image of the Dutch agrifood sector. Participating regions and partners of the Dutch Agri Food Week will develop the programme. Together they will demonstrate how the Dutch work for tasty, safe and healthy food and what it takes from to accomplish this. Elies Lemkes, chair of the Dutch Agri Food Week: ‘During this week we will tell the story ‘from earth to mouth’. Within this story we will distinguish thematical developments such as food and health, food education, transparency, innovation and other developments in the sector.’

Podium for innovation

There is worldwide interest for Dutch knowledge and technology when it comes to sustainable, healthy and safe food production. Dutch Agri Food Week is the biggest podium in the Netherlands to highlight and stimulate innovation in the agrifood sector AND to connect entrepreneurs, consumers and government. Companies and organisations present their innovations to a broad audience. Everybody with an interest in food and food production (from consumer to professional) is welcome to discover, get inspired, meet each other and most importantly: to enjoy tasty, healthy food.

About Dutch Agri Food Week

Dutch Agri Food Week

In 2017 the Dutch Agri Food Week drew around 50.000 visitors during 150 activities and events, organised by 350 organisations. Dutch Agri Food Week is a connecting initiative that utilizes the strength of existing networks and organisations. Topsector Agri&Food, Food Valley NL, AgriFood Capital, Greenport Westland-Oostland and Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo started the Dutch Agri Food Week and have realized, next to the nationwide exposure, local/regional solidification and visibility.

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