05 Jul

PhD conferral Mrs. drs. Audrey M.W. Simons-Op het Veld

Supervisor: prof.dr. H. Bosma
Co-supervisor: dr.ir. A. Koster

Keywords: health differences, Europe, prejudices, social ladder

"Socioeconomic health inequalities: exploring the role of social mobility, unhealthy homogenization, and perceived classism"

Health differences between people at the top and bottom of the social ladder is a persistent problem in Europe. This dissertation explored two possible explanations: people at the bottom of the ladder are becoming increasingly unhealthy because healthier people find it easier to ascend the social ladder, and the negative health effects associated with the prejudices/stigmas perceived by people at the bottom of the ladder. Both explanations were supported, but their contribution to national and international health differences calls for further research. This dissertation highlighted the importance of legislation to minimise the health effects associated with income, education and profession and to prevent prejudices against people at the bottom of the social ladder.