04 Jun
17:00 - 19:00

Information Session Part time PhD Comparative, International and European Law

The Law Faculty of Maastricht University offers the possibility to obtain a PhD in Comparative, European and International Law on its campus in Brussels.


Information session on PhD in Comparative, European and International Law for professionals in Brussels

4 June  17:30 – 19 :00 hrs

(UM Campus, Avenue de Teruvuren 153, 1150 St.Pieters-Woluwe/Woluwe-St. Pierre)

The Law Faculty of Maastricht University offers the possibility to obtain a PhD in Comparative, European and International Law on its campus in Brussels. During this information sessions, this possibility and the conditions for enrolment will be introduced. Participants will be welcome to ask questions or individually and informally discuss research projects with PhD Coordinator of Campus Brussels.

Please register at campusbrussels@maastrichtuniversity.nl.