20 Oct

PhD conferral Mr Tim Batink, MSc.

Supervisors: prof.dr. F.P.M.L. Peeters; prof.dr. J.J. van Os; prof.dr. M.C. Wichers

“Third Wave Behaviour Therapy: Process Measures and Contextual Interventions”

Keywords: Acceptance and commitment therapy, Flexibility Index Test, mHealth

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a form of behavioural therapy that focuses on developing psychological flexibility (resilience). The first part of this dissertation describes the measurement tools currently available and focuses on the development of a new valid and reliable questionnaire – the Flexibility Index Test (FIT-60)* – to identify psychological flexibility. The second part describes the application of ACT in the daily life of clients using an mHealth intervention. The initial results in the field of feasibility and acceptability are positive; follow-up research on its effectiveness is currently on-going.

* Available for free at www.hoeflexibelbenjij.nl