07 Sep 10 Sep
10:00 - 17:00

Millerntor Gallery Maastricht

The Millerntor Gallery in Maastricht is a new initiative, organised by UM students, that offers a stage for international art and music from 7 to 10 September, in the Decorfabriek at the Meerssenerweg 215.

Millerntor Gallery

The social art event aims to raise funds for drinking water projects all over the world. The idea originates from Hamburg and was initiated by the organisation Viva con Agua Nederland. Access to the exhibition, which is themed ‘Art creates water’, is free and visitors are invited to become socially active and contribute to fresh drinking water fountains and hygiene facilities in disadvantaged regions. There will be live performances and concerts, lectures and workshops. More information can be found on http://www.facebook.com/millerntorgallerymaastricht