09 Sep
21:30 - 22:00

Can a machine make art?

AI has a tremendous impact on our lives – the arts included. Are there actual differences between humans and machines? Can a machine (based on AI) perceive, understand, learn and in the end reproduce concepts about art?

About the Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering

Founded in 1992 as part of the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, today the Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering (DKE) broadly covers Knowledge Engineering in research and teaching. DKE comprises three internationally respected research groups, having their focus on “Robotics, Agents and Interaction”, “Networks and Strategic Optimization”, and “Biomathematics and Bioinformatics”.

Education programs currently offered by DKE are Data Science and Knowledge Engineering (bachelor), Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for Decision Making (both master programmes). DKE’s Bachelor Data Science and Knowledge Engineering has been ranked no.1 and is awarded the seal of Top Quality Programme by Keuzegids Hoger Onderwijs for three consecutive years. With respect to both research and teaching DKE is engaged in various national and international cooperations.

DKE logo

PAS Festival

PAS festival

Festival of Pleasure, Art & Science (PAS) at 8 & 9 September in Maastricht. With short lectures, theatre, music, dance, art and more. Entrance free!
PAS is an initiative of Studium Generale from Maastricht University.

Go to the PAS-website