23 Mar

PhD conferral Mr Remigius J.H. Martens, MSc.

Supervisors: prof.dr. J. Kooman; prof.dr. C.D.A. Stehouwer
Co-supervisor: dr. R.M.A. Henry

“Mildly reduced kidney function and albuminuria: looking beyond the kidney – the Maastricht Study –"

Keywords: kidney damage, organ systems, cognitive abilities, depression, vascular damage, sitting and moving

Chronic kidney disease poses a threat to public health, partly due to a strong relationship with the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. However, few studies have addressed the relationship between early-stage kidney disease and abnormalities in other organ systems. This PhD dissertation inventories possible risk factors for and consequences of chronic kidney disease in the general population. Chronic kidney disease not only appears to be accompanied by heart damage, but also to be related to health problems like lower cognitive performance or depression. Moreover, these links are already visible earlier than previously thought. This dissertation supports the idea that the relationship between chronic kidney disease and health problems outside the kidneys can be partly explained by extensive damage to the small blood vessels. Reduced physical activity and increased sitting could also be possible starting points for preventing chronic kidney disease.