15 Mar
17:00 - 19:00

Information Session Part-time PhD Programmes

Ever thought of a PhD alongside your full-time job?

Then attend the Information session on PhD programmes for professionals in Brussels on the 15th of March 2017. During this information session, each of the PhD programmes for professionals offered by the University of Maastricht on its campus in Brussels will be briefly introduced. 


PhD Law

During this information session, each of the PhD programmes for professionals offered by the University of Maastricht on its campus in Brussels will be briefly introduced. Participants will then be welcome to individually and informally discuss research projects with representatives from both the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (European Studies) and the Faculty of Law (Comparative, European and International Law).

These programmes offer a unique opportunity to enhance your knowledge, sharpen your critical mind and broaden your professional perspectives. They are designed to provide the working conditions and equip you with the skills necessary to perform academic research on a topic in EU Studies or in Comparative, EU and International Law alongside other commitments.

For more information or registraion for the Part-time Phd Programmes at the UM Campus Brussels please click here.