07 Dec
19:00 - 20:30
Ambassador Lecture Series

Oscar Morales, 21st century soldier

Oscar Morales 1.79 Billion Facebook Soldiers

Oscar Morales is a soldier of the 21st century. His weapon is Facebook. His bullets are the followers he brings to the streets.

Frustrated by the lethargy of the Colombian government against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), he mobilised 12 Million people in 190 cities who followed his call ‘One Million Voices Against FARC’ and assembled on the streets with the use of social media.

This was the biggest demonstration against terrorism in the history of the world.

On 7 December, Oscar will share his inspiring story about social media, active citizenship, and conquering fear. He will also touch upon the new era of accountability and citizen journalism and how social media has played a role in recent events such as the Brexit, the Colombian Referendum and the US elections. 

Free entrance.

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