25 Nov

PhD conferral dhr.drs. Sören E. Huwendiek

Supervisors: prof.dr. D. Dolmans, prof.dr. C.P.M. van der Vleuten
Co-supervisor: dr. B. de Leng

“Virtual Patients for learning of clinical reasoning"

Key words: Undergraduate training for medical doctors, clinical reasoning, Virtual Patients, e-learning, implementation

Clinical reasoning is generally considered a decisive component of nearly everything doctors do in practice. There are indications that clinical reasoning is not well taught at present. So-called Virtual Patients (VP) are especially suited to foster learning of clinical reasoning. Virtual Patients are online cases in which the learner takes on the role of physician, has to make all decisions him/herself and receives feedback on these decisions. This dissertation examines how to improve the design and implementation of Virtual Patients to foster learning, especially of clinical reasoning. Our results provide concrete advice on how to accomplish that and are in line with current theories and insights outside of VP research.