15 Oct
09:30 - 13:00

Buying or renting a house in The Netherlands

On Saturday October 15th the Holland Expat Center South - Maastricht Region will be organising an information session in cooperation with ABN-AMRO, La Bergère Apartments, the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and mobility / ITEM and Pooters Estate Agency.

Are you an expat? It could be a smart move to buy a house in the Netherlands! Your mortgage payment might be lower than the rent you pay and you might even save on taxes. But there are a lot of rules and regulations.

If you have worked and lived in the Netherlands for six months or longer, you may be eligible to buy a house! However, there are a lot of things to consider when you start the process of looking for a house, arranging your mortgage and finally going to the notary. Internationals in the Netherlands often have questions such as: Where do I start looking for a house? Can I afford to buy a house? Do I need to use my own savings? How does the legal and tax process work? 

During this event you will receive the following information:

  • What is required to buy or rent a house in the Netherlands
  • How to apply for a mortgage
  • An idea of the cost of housing in the Maastricht Region
  • Things to consider when buying or renting a house in the Netherlands


09:30 Doors open
10:00 Official welcome by Alderman Gerdo van Grootheest
10:30 Renting a house in the Netherlands (short stay) presented by Laura Janssen, Pro Housing and Peter Regout, La Bergère apartments
10:45 Tax and civil implications presented by Kerstin van de Ven, ITEM Maastricht
11:00 Break with coffee/tea and local pastries
11:20 Buying a house in the Netherlands, presented by Denny Janssen, ABN AMRO Bank
11:45 What is the role of a real estate agent? Presented by Gyvan Pooters, Pooters Makelaardij
12:05 Time for questions
12:30 Free consultation with housing professionals
13:00 End of program

There is no charge to attend, but registration is required. Register via:
www.abnamro.nl/buyingahouse or Holland-Expat-Center

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