02 Feb
Lecture for alumni in Eindhoven

UM Star Lecture: The psychology of obesity (Dutch lecture)

Because obesity is life-threatening, expensive and generally uncomfortable, we want to do something about it. The question is, what? Experts tend to have two options at their disposal: offering general advice about changing one's 'obese lifestyle' and recommending gastric bypass surgery in extreme cases. It's high time for a change.

Anita Jansen

Anita Jansen, PhD, studied clinical psychology (1986; cum laude) at Utrecht University. She completed her PhD thesis on binge eating at Maastricht University (1990). Since 1999 she is full professor in the Department of Clinical Psychological Sciences at Maastricht University. Her research activities cover a broad domain: the primary focus is the experimental study of maintenance mechanisms and vulnerability factors in eating disorders, obesity, dieting disorders and addictive behaviors. A secondary focus is the study of cognitive and behavioral interventions aimed at reducing the psychopathology. She has received an award for excellence in teaching and currently is dean of the faculty Psychology & Neuroscience.

Please find an overview of all 13 UM Star Lectures here

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