08 Mar
14:30 - 15:30

TARN lecture on 'The role of Europol in the refugee crisis'

On Tuesday 8 March 2016, MCEL and CERiM will host a TARN lecture by Deputy Director of Europol Oldřich Martinů on ‘The role of Europol in the refugee crisis’.

Mr Martinů is the Deputy Director of Europol, with specific responsibility for Governance matters. Prior his appointment to Europol, Mr Martinů worked at the Police Presidium of the Czech Republic, where his activities focused mainly on EU police cooperation matters. In 2009, he was promoted by the President of the Czech Republic to the rank Major General. He studied Criminal law and Public law at the Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague.

You are kindly invited to participate in this event. Participation is free of charge.

For more information, please contact sofia.karttunen@maastrichtuniversity.nl

About TARN: 

The EU Jean Monnet network TARN aims to promote academic scholarship on the agencification of EU executive governance and to create a platform for dialogue between academics and practitioners. Led by Ellen Vos from MCEL and CERiM, it is composed of nine leading academic partners from different institutions. It adopts a multi-disciplinary approach and brings together academics and practitioners from various policy areas to exchange knowledge and experiences about EU agencies. For more information see here.

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