14 Jul

Informal get-together Alumni Circle Amsterdam

UM Alumni in Amsterdam celebrate summer

To celebrate the start of the Summer, we would like to invite you to an informal drink at StrandZuid on Thursday 14th of July. All Alumni living in the Amsterdam area are invited and have the chance to meet, network and exchange experiences.

Two drinks and some snacks will be sponsored by the Alumni Office. In order to estimate the number of ‘bitterballen’ and drinks, we would like to know in advance if you are planning to attend. You can register via a reply to this email or via telephone 043-3885221. All UM Alumni are welcome, so feel free to invite your friends and acquaintances from Maastricht!

All alumni living and working in Amsterdam have been invited. Unfortunately, we do not have contact information of all alumni who live there. If you know about other alumni who have not received an invitation, please let them and us know. They are welcome to join too.

The Alumni Committee Amsterdam is searching for enthusiastic new members. Our Summer drink is therefore a great opportunity to find new committee members who are willing to organize activities for UM alumni in Amsterdam. With our committee and the help of the UM Alumni Office, you will organize several activities such as drinks, network events, lectures or inspiring workshops.

If you think it’s important to have a UM alumni platform in Amsterdam and enjoy getting together a few times per year to organize these events, then please let us know via alumni@maastrichtuniversity.nl

We hope to see many of you on Thursday, 14th July to spend a great evening together!

The committee of the UM Alumni Circle Amsterdam,
Gillian Nieboer, Frank Suitela and Fleur van Mourik

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