24 Jun

PhD Conferral Brenda A.J. Berendsen, MSc

Supervisors: prof.dr. H.H. Savelberg; prof.dr. N. Schaper
Co-supervisor: dr. M.R.C. Hendriks

“Measurement and Promotion of Physical activity; evaluation of activity monitoirs and a multidisciplinary lifestyle intervention in primary care”

Keywords: overweight, obesity, exercise, activity monitoring, lifestyle, BeweegKuur

Obesity and a lack of physical activity are the primary risk factors for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. A diet and exercise programme supported by general practitioners, dieticians and physiotherapists is an effective way to reduce weight-related health risks. This study found that participants in the lifestyle programme BeweegKuur exercised more, ate a healthier diet and weighed less one year after the programme. These results were also found in the long term. In order for the programme to be effective, however, it must receive financial support by being included in standard health insurance policies, for example. Extra group sessions with a physiotherapist did not produce any additional effects. The study also used activity monitors to measure the participants' sedentary and active time.

This study was made possible by a grant from ZonMW.