UM Education Days

Teaching is learning, and learning is teaching

-de onderstaande informatie is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels-

On June 1 and 2, EDLAB will host the first UM Education Days. During these two days, a range of topics will be presented, discussed and developed in workshops led by members of the UM teaching & learning community. Between sessions, there will be further opportunities to meet colleagues and talk education during plenary sessions, a working breakfast and a world café lunch. Throughout the two days, two special ‘theme spaces’ will be dedicated to two important current issues, ‘Technology Enhanced Education/Blended Learning’, and ‘Feedback and Assessment’. For those who do not have time to attend the programme in full, it will be possible to register for specific sessions only. Come to EDLAB at Tapijn, to inspire and be inspired.

Ready to be inspired and to inspire others?

Sign up now for the UM Education Days 2022! The Education Days are organized on two days, June 1st and 2nd. You may pick and choose those sessions that you wish to attend. Feel free to attend just (parts of) one day or join us for both days. The choice is up to you, and we look forward to welcoming you at Tapijn!

  Registrations are open until 15 May. The intinerary, content of the sessions and more information about registering can be found here