Crossing Borders in Arts & Heritage


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On 18 and 19 March 2018, the Maastricht Centre for Arts and Culture, Conservation and Heritage will host its annual, transdisciplinary conference together with the Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht. This year’s theme ‘Crossing Borders in Arts & Heritage’ will explore the challenges we encounter when arts and heritage cross geographical borders today or which persist because of past cross-border movements.

During the two days, our keynote speakers and panellists will explore the problems focussing on five fields:

•    The illicit trade in cultural objects
•    Cross-border cooperation between heritage actors
•    Digitalisation 
•    The restitution of Nazi-looted art
•    The return of colonial heritage 

All panels will feature experts from the academic sector and practitioners from different fields to stimulate an interdisciplinary conversation. We would like to invite you to join us continue our tradition of crossing disciplinary borders to find new solutions to some of our current problems in the arts and heritage sector.  


Blog series related to the annual MACCH conference on 18-19 March 2018

looted art

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