Working from home/on campus during holiday period

Dear colleagues,

As of 19 July, the government has reintroduced the advice for working from home. UM will follow this advice, which means that, until the government decides otherwise, working from home will again be the norm. At the same time, we do not want to deprive employees of the opportunity to get used to working on-campus. We believe that we can combine both in the coming weeks, as the presence of employees at work is already limited due to the holiday period. Moreover, we call on those employees who do want to come to work to do so for no more than 1 or 2 days a week in the next couple of weeks. Of course, we hope that only few colleagues will have to worry about this at all, because of their scheduled holiday.

Should the government's advice change, we will let you know as soon as possible.

Have a nice summer!