
  • Maastricht University and MUMC+ students and staff can access the articles of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) journals again. The current subscription runs until 2021.

  • Elsevier has expanded the number of journal titles in which researchers from Maastricht University and MUMC+ can publish open access ‘for free’ to 1650 hybrid titles. Researchers can now also publish in 250 open access journals without paying APC.

  • The Dutch scholarly publications portal NARCIS now presents more than 700,000 open access publications by Dutch academics. Maastricht University counts for 15,228 open access publications.

  • Students from our Master's in Public Policy and Human Development (2018-19) marked the end of their course at a festive ceremony in Sint Janskerk, Maastricht.

  • Dag niet ziek 1

    Only happy faces

    Student associations, emergency service providers and entrepreneurs: they were all immediately enthusiastic when Martijn Weyenberg, project manager at Match, approached them to participate in ‘A day ‘without illness’’ (‘Een dag niet ziek’). The result was clearly visible last Saturday: only happy...

  • The University Library recently launched a new tool for researchers: the Similarity Check Service. This tool helps researchers to prevent sloppy referencing or plagiarism.

  • In late 2018, when the ‘current’ contract with Elsevier ended, VSNU and Elsevier agreed to continue the talks on a new contract while the existing agreements were maintained. Now the current contract will be extended for an additional six months to allow more time for the negotiations.

  • Micah Vandegrift lives and works in Raleigh, North Carolina. He visited Maastricht University Library as a Fulbright-Schuman innovation fellow and stayed with us for 5 months between October 2018 and February 2019. His wife and two young children accompanied him to Maastricht and beyond.

  • Food scientist Alie de Boer from the UM campus in Venlo is among the final five talented researchers who have a chance of winning the New Scientist title ‘Science Talent of the Year’.

  • A small book of great value, that is ‘Minervalia’. It is the oldest comedy book printed in Maastricht. Under the motto ‘culture from Maastricht belongs in Maastricht’, the Maastricht University Library and the Limburg University Fund/SWOL want to bring this rare publication back to its roots. That...