
  • School-leavers from secondary education (vmbo, havo and vwo) from the 2020-2021 school year are less likely after graduation to move on to an advanced program in mbo, hbo or wo compared to one year earlier. This and more is shown in the annual school leaver survey by the Research Center for...

  • More than a thousand prospective master's students visited Maastricht University's open day last Saturday .They came to experience the atmosphere and learn more about the master's programmes, Problem-Based Learning, the UM buildings and the good life in Maastricht.

  • The recent violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories has deeply affected us all. Our sympathies go out to everyone affected and concerned about the well-being of loved ones.

  • In a pioneering effort to address the challenges of smallholder data governance, the Fair & Smart Data research spearhead hosted an online event titled "Guiding Principles for a Fair Smallholder Farmer Data Ecosystem" on November 7th. This collaborative initiative involves Maastricht University...

  • During his farewell lecture, Professor of Health Promotion Nanne de Vries received the Tans Medal, UM's highest distinction honouring those who have made a significant contribution to the development of the university.

  • We are delighted to announce that the MBA programmes of Maastricht University School of Business and Economics’ executive branches, MSM and UMIO, have been named among the top three sustainable business MBA programmes worldwide by Corporate Knights, a leading sustainable business magazine.

  • Students at our faculty are committed to making an impact on health, well-being and society. These are the inspirational stories about students who go above and beyond to reach their goals. Let’s meet Emily and Suhad, both scholarship students in Epidemiology looking for a broad foundation in...

  • Saskia Brand-Gruwel has been appointed as an endowed professor at Maastricht University in the chair of 'Design of personalized learning arrangements.' She combines this role with her duties as a member of the Board of Directors of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences.

  • As per 1 November 2023, UM’s Executive Board has appointed Dr Maja Brkan as endowed professor of Digitalisation and EU Law.

  • The Young European Research Universities Network extends a warm invitation to researchers and staff from Maastricht University and other member universities to submit their applications for the YERUN Open Science Awards 2023.