Nothing will change, just a little bit different


An online start for the 2020 cohort

There is a first time for everything. This year, for the first time in MHPE history, we will be doing Unit 1 and Unit 7 online, and not in Maastricht. Our three partner sites have not taken final decisions yet, keeping open the option to do onsite units later in the year.

In Maastricht our staff is working hard to find creative solutions, so that we can make an online Unit 1 or Unit 7 a valuable experience for all, though we know that it can never be the same as the three weeks in Maastricht. We will miss the intense and joyful business, and the social events too, of course.

In the mean time, we get messages from MHPE students and staff from all over the world. We see and hear how COVID-19 is affecting us all, and we feel the connection between us even stronger.

Let us hope that this crisis will pass, and that this will be the first and the last year that we cannot receive MHPE students in Maastricht.

Registration for our MHPE programme are still open till 1 May 2020. More information and registration is to be found at the MHPE webpage

Daniëlle Verstegen