10 May
16:00 - 17:00

Online Presentation Problem-Based Learning and Q&A

Curious about learning in a different way than traditional education? Join our online presentation and Q&A session about Problem-Based Learning!

PBL means working in small tutorial groups, engaging in hands-on training and attending (far) fewer lectures. Under the supervision of a tutor, you team up with ten to fifteen students to tackle real-life challenges.

What exactly does this look like in practice? Join our interactive presentation in which students will share their experiences and challenges with you. In fact, in line with the active PBL way of learning, this presentation is based on real-time examples and experiences of both our students and tutors.

You will gain more insights about:

  • Problem-Based Learning in general
  • how PBL works
  • what PBL looks like in practice
  • What PBL looks like nowadays
  • (soft) skills of life that are essential for the 21st-century labour market
  • anything else you may want to know.

Feel free to put your questions to the students and tutor via the live Q&A. If you do not receive an immediate answer, do not worry: your question will be dealt with during a Q&A session right after the presentation.

Spring 2022 - Online Presentation Problem-Based Learning and Q&A:

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