PhD Defence Julie E. Oomens

Supervisor: Prof. dr. P.J. Visser

Co-supervisors: Dr. W.J. Jansen, Dr. S.J.B. Vos

Keywords: Lifestyle, Alzheimer’s disease, Biomarkers, Cognition

"Lifestyle, Alzheimer’s disease pathophysiology and cognition: Working towards protection and prevention"

There are no established prevention or treatment strategies for Alzheimer’s disease. While both lifestyle-based interventions and anti-amyloid therapies have shown promising results, we need to improve our understanding of the underlying mechanisms and determine which individuals would benefit from these strategies at what stage of the disease. This thesis aimed to contribute to the protection and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease by characterizing the role of lifestyle health in Alzheimer’s disease pathophysiology and by leveraging pooled data to help inform clinical trial design for anti-amyloid therapies.

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