Maintaining a healthy work-life balance (Lecture in Dutch)

UM Star Lecture in Eindhoven

Work has become more complicated due to the emergence of computer technology as well as the demand for different skills than previously required. People must also be able to carefully plan their work, effectively communicate and use their specialised knowledge, often while collaborating in self-directed teams. This leads to high levels of work pressure. As a result, many people develop mental health problems such as stress, burnout and other related issues. These problems can often best be addressed by teaching people how to consciously take time to relax. This means focusing on making lifestyle changes, like no longer working in the evening and switching off mobile phones. (Lecture is in Dutch)

About the speaker

Fred Zijlstra is Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at Maastricht University and Scientific Director of the Centre for Inclusive Organizations at Maastricht University (since 2016), He is a Chartered Member of the Dutch Institute of Psychologists (NIP), and British Psychological Society (BPS) and an active member of various (inter)national professional networks and societies, such as EAWOP, ENOP, and IAAP. He currently is Past-President of the Dutch National Professional Association of Work & Organizational Psychologists (NIP- A&O). He worked as a consultant for various organizations.

His research interests focus on the cognitive aspects of work behaviour, and sustainability of employment. He has published on a wide array of topics such as interruptions during work, work and health, recovery after work, organizational climate and effects of technology on work. He has also written about factors that hinder or facilitate return to work of people who have been long term absent from work for health reasons, in order to develop policy relevant measures. In the last couple of years, the topic of Inclusive Organizations was introduced focusing on including ‘people with limited capacity’ in organizations.

This lecture is part of traditional series of lectures for alumni; the UM Star Lectures. The other 13 lectures are organized in 13 different cities and 5 countries on the same day at the same time. This event is organized to reach out to and inspire alumni, share academic insights, experiences and memories and to create an interconnected UM Alumni Community.

Fred Zijlstra