43rd Dies Natalis celebration

Maastricht University celebrates its 43rd anniversary in the Sint Janskerk, Maastricht, on Friday, 25 January 2019, 15.30 - 17.00, followed by a reception.

You can register once you have received the invitation.

The theme of this year's celebration is: Global Challenges – Future Imaginations.

The Dies Lecture, entitled 'Our commitment, their future: the SDGs and young people', will be delivered by Sigrid Kaag,   Netherlands Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.

Next, honorary doctorates will be presented to Indian writer Amitav Ghosh (PhD)  and to the President and Rector of the Central European University in Budapest, professor Michael Ignatieff  . Both recipients will briefly elaborate on this year’s theme; Dr Ghosh will give a longer lecture on Wednesday, 23 January and Professor Ignatieff on Thursday, 24 January.

As is tradition, the Wynand Wijnen Education Prize, the UM Student Prizes and the Dissertation Prize will be awarded during the ceremony.

During the morning programme from 10.45 to 12.30 in the aula (Minderbroedersberg), 17 Student Prizes will  be awarded to bachelor's students as well.

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