EDLAB artwork


Maastricht University Centre for Teaching & Learning


As Maastricht University’s Centre for Teaching & Learning, EDLAB provides expertise, support, and collaboration opportunities for staff and students to enhance the quality of education at UM continually. 

Our mission revolves around three pillars:

  • Expertise: We foster a strong foundation for quality education through research and continuous innovation.
  • Support: We facilitate professional development in the field of education, ensuring educators have the resources they need.
  • Community: We actively engage with the education community, promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing.


Activities and events offered by EDLAB include professional development training workshops and conferences like the UM Education Days. Recently, EDLAB co-produced a VR-enhanced project report exploring the benefits of integrating VR technology into PBL classrooms. Additionally, EDLAB has received substantial funding to enhance teaching and learning at Maastricht University from 2024 to 2027.

Workshops and events

There are no professional development activities planned at EDLAB during the summer break. If you would like to work on your professionalisation in your own time and space, we invite you to check out the two following options:


More news items

Click here to go to EDLAB's news page.

Explore EDLAB from four different perspectives in this interactive video

Follow Jr. Innovation Coordinator Lena Gromotka, and discover EDLAB's activities and services as she speaks with Jacob Ward, a history teacher and researcher at FASoS, Therese Grohnert, an education researcher and teacher at SBE, and Daniel Rivera, a recent graduate of the PREMIUM honours programme coordinated by EDLAB.

The video also showcases the vibrant community of educators and learners exchanging and connection during the yearly UM Education Days held at EDLAB.

Expertise, support and community

Innovating education
EDLAB is dedicated to cultivating a culture of educational innovation and development at Maastricht University (UM), benefitting teachers, education researchers, and students.

Innovating education

Professional development
We offer a diverse array of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities, encompassing workshops, training courses, and online resources. Furthermore, we extend support through education innovation grants, education research grants, and education research fellowships. Beyond these offerings, EDLAB hosts a variety of events such as conferences, seminars, the annual UM Education Days, as well as interactive Teach-Meet and Student-Meet sessions. These gatherings serve as valuable platforms for networking and gaining insights from experts in the field.

Professional Development for Teaching & Learning

Are you edUMinded?
Our commitment to fostering dialogue and engagement is further demonstrated through our online magazine, edUMinded. This platform serves as a dynamic space to showcase the perspectives and experiences of the Teaching & Learning community at Maastricht University, encouraging ongoing conversations and connections among education enthusiasts in Maastricht and beyond.

edUMinded, EDLAB's online magazine on Teaching & Learning.

Join the EDLAB group on UMployee (Intranet login)

Why we love to teach

What inspires Maastricht University teachers and educators in their daily lives and interactions with students? What are their motivations, what fuels their enthusiasm, and what are their perspectives on the role of education in society? Get to know Mabrouka, Maryam, Jesse, Stefan, Yuanyuan, Iris, Andrada, Bruna, and Martijn as they share their personal insights on the most rewarding aspects of their career in education. 

This video was made during our UM Education Days 2023.

Collaborating with students

Excellence education
Maastricht University offers a range of Excellence programmes for ambitious, motivated, and high-performing students. At EDLAB, we further develop, implement, and centrally coordinate these programmes. In a challenging, interdisciplinary learning environment, students engage in extracurricular opportunities that help them develop their talents, increase their knowledge, and strengthen their CVs.

Go to EDLAB's Excellence programmes.

ESAB: Students as education partners
The EDLAB Student Advisory Board (ESAB) represents the student community and hosts several Student-Meet sessions throughout the year.

Go to our Students' Corner.


University Council visit to EDLAB

EDLAB engages with external parties and stakeholders in the field of knowledge on education, be they teaching staff from other education institutes, organisations that collaborate with EDLAB's Excellence programmes, external professional training companies, or other Centres for Teaching & Learning in the Netherlands and abroad.

Contact EDLAB