Latest blog articles

  • Recommendations to the new State Commission by Montesquieu Institute: confidence will not be recovered by large or small constitutional interventions. (Dutch only)

  • Passing a Dutch integration exam is mandatory for most non-EU immigrants. This should be done within 3 years after their arrival, under the threat of a fine or non-extension of the residency permit. The exam fee is 350 EUR. The preparation course costs 4000-5000 EUR on average.

  • Albert Camus famously wrote that ‘life is the sum of all your choices.’ Private lawyers could not agree more. At the core of private law lies the idea that individuals are allowed to know better than the State.

  • When Trump tweeted "See you in Court, the security of our nation is at stake" he was absolutely right, but not as he intended it to mean. Because yes, courts are essential for the security of (the citizens of) the state.

  • Have you ever considered of enjoying your retirement elsewhere, perhaps in a sunnier European destination?  (Dutch only)

  • I am sure everybody is aware how our environment has changed over the past years and how ongoing shifts in our societies show us that this will continue for the period ahead. And I am sure that most of us feel inconvenience. Inconvenience as we face challenges not experienced before or at least not...

  • This contribution argues that the Trump decree to end US financial support for health organisations which provide information about sexual and reproductive health rights is contrary to human rights. The response by the Dutch government is more in line with human rights.

  • Edwin Kruisbergen obtained his doctorate on monday 9-01-17 at the VU, with a thesis entitled Combating Organised Crime; a study on undercover policing and the follow-the-money strategy. According to confiscation of illegally obtained assets Kruisbergen concluded that not even a 5th part of the total...

  • It is not that listening to the electorate is wrong. It is not wrong either to build a campaign on perceived wishes of the electorate. Trying to win an electoral campaign either, is wrong.

  • Stichting ConsumentenClaim has announced to start legal proceedings against Dutch Railways on behalf of a passenger. The question that the court will essentially need to answer is whether overcrowdedness in trains resulting in passengers frequently not having seating constitutes a breach of contract...