Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

2nd-year bachelor's

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Acquire skills

 become a member of a student organisation
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 become a student representative
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 career advice
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University. And some other text.

 quick career advice
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 Individual Psychological Support
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 UM Buddy- International Student Ambassadors
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 mentor programme
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University. And some other text.

 career day
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University. And some other text.

 career orientation
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 information on internships
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 Information on major choice
Build networks. Make friends. Find like minds.

 information on study abroad / Erasmus exhange
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University. And some other text.

Gain experience

 master choice
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 Lecture: Going Abroad
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 online career library
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University. And some other text.

 student jobs at UM
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 Crash course in Decision making
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 CV & job application letter
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 Discover your competences
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University. And some other texttext.

 Job applications in the Digital Era
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 Personal Branding
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University. And some other texttext.

 Presentation skills
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University. And some other texttext.

 self-help: improve your professional skills
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 self-help: improve your study skills
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

Get personal support

 Team building for board members
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University. And some other texttext.

 Time management
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 Assertiveness training
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University. And some other texttext.

 Boost your self-confidence
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University. And some other texttext.

 Coping with loss and mourning group
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 Fear of failure training
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 Study efficacy increase group
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 Workshop - Mindfulness and meditation
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University. And some other texttext.

 Workshop Stress management
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.

 language courses
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University. And some other texttext.

 personal branding
As a student you can help improve the facilities and policies of Maastricht University.